List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia

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The global literacy rate for all people aged 15 and above is 86.3%. The global literacy rate for all males is 90.0%, and the rate for all females is 82.7%. The ... Listofcountriesbyliteracyrate FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Thisisthelatestacceptedrevision,reviewedon28June2022. Jumptonavigation Jumptosearch Thisarticleneedstobeupdated.Pleasehelpupdatethisarticletoreflectrecenteventsornewlyavailableinformation.(March2022) Worldmapofcountriesshadedaccordingtotheliteracyrateforallpeopleaged15andover Thisisalistofcountriesbyliteracyrate.ThefiguresrepresentedarealmostentirelycollectedbytheUNESCOInstituteforStatistics(UIS)onbehalfofUNESCO,with2015estimatesbasedonpeopleaged15oroverwhocanreadandwrite.Wheredataistakenfromadifferentsource,notesareprovided.Thedataiscollatedbymostlyusingsurveyswithinthelasttenyearswhichareself-declaredbythepersonsinquestion.[1]UISprovideestimatesbasedonthesefortheyear2015withaGlobalAge-specificLiteracyProjectionsModel(GALP).[2] Thegloballiteracyrateforallpeopleaged15andaboveis86.3%.Thegloballiteracyrateforallmalesis90.0%,andtherateforallfemalesis82.7%.Theratevariesthroughouttheworld,withdevelopednationshavingarateof99.2%(2013),SouthandWestAsiahaving70.2%(2015),andsub-SaharanAfricaat64.0%(2015).[3]Over75%oftheworld's781millionilliterateadultsarefoundinSouthAsia,WestAsia,andsub-SaharanAfrica,andwomenrepresentalmosttwo-thirdsofallilliterateadultsglobally.[4] Contents 1ListofUNmemberstatesbyagegroupandgenderdisparity 2ListofUNmemberandobserverstatesbyadultliteracyrate 3Listofotherstatesandterritories 4Seealso 5Notes 6References 7Externallinks ListofUNmemberstatesbyagegroupandgenderdisparity[edit] DatapublishedbyUNESCOin2018(lastinformedratesandyear),usingthefollowingdefinitions:[5]Youth:Percentageofpeopleaged15to24yearswhocanbothreadandwritewithunderstandingashortsimplestatementontheireverydaylife.Generally,"literacy"alsoencompasses"numeracy",theabilitytomakesimplearithmeticcalculations.Adult:Percentageofthepopulationaged15yearsandoverwhocanbothreadandwrite,withunderstandingashortsimplestatementonhis/hereverydaylife.Generally,"literacy"alsoencompasses"numeracy",theabilitytomakesimplearithmeticcalculations.Elderly:Percentageofthepopulationaged65yearsandoverwhocanbothreadandwrite,withunderstandingashortsimplestatementontheireverydaylife.Generally,"literacy"alsoencompasses"numeracy",theabilitytomakesimplearithmeticcalculations.GenderParityIndex(GPI):Thegenderparityindex(GPI)oftheyouthliteracyrateistheratioofthefemaletomaleliteracyratesofthepopulationaged15to24years.AGPIvaluebetween0.97and1.03isusuallyinterpretedtoindicategenderparity. *indicates"LiteracyinCOUNTRYorTERRITORY"or"EducationinCOUNTRYorTERRITORY"links. Country Youth(15to24) Adult(25+) Elderly(65+) YouthGenderParityIndex Rate Year Rate Year Rate Year Rate Year  Afghanistan * 47.0 2011 31.7 2011 20.3 2011 0.5 2011  Albania * 99.2 2012 97.2 2012 86.9 2012 1.0 2012  Algeria * 93.8 2008 75.1 2008 19.5 2008 1.0 2008  AmericanSamoa * 97.7 1980 97.3 1980 92.7 1980 1.0 1980  Andorra *  Angola * 77.4 2014 66.0 2014 27.0 2014 0.8 2014  Anguilla * 99.1 1984 95.4 1984 88.0 1984 1.0 1984  AntiguaandBarbuda * 98.9 2015  Argentina * 99.5 2016 99.1 2016 97.9 2016 1.0 2016  Armenia * 99.8 2011 99.7 2011 98.9 2011 1.0 2011  Aruba * 99.1 2010 96.8 2010 88.9 2010 1.0 2010  Australia *  Austria *  Azerbaijan * 99.9 2016 99.8 2016 98.4 2016 1.0 2016  Bahamas  Bahrain * 97.0 2001 86.5 2001 42.3 2001 1.0 2001  Bangladesh * 94.9 2019 74.7 2019 39.4 2019 1.03 2019  Barbados * 99.9 2014 99.6 2014 98.5 2014 1.0 2014  Belarus * 99.8 2009 99.6 2009 98.6 2009 1.0 2009  Belgium *  Belize * 77.6 1991 70.3 1991 44.8 1991 1.0 1991  Benin * 52.5 2012 32.9 2012 7.0 2012 0.6 2012  Bermuda *  Bhutan * 87.3 2012 57.0 2012 14.9 2012 0.9 2012  Bolivia * 99.4 2015 92.5 2015 67.5 2015 1.0 2015  Bonaire  BosniaandHerzegovina * 99.7 2013 97.0 2013 86.0 2013 1.0 2013  Botswana * 97.7 2014 87.7 2014 40.7 2014 1.0 2014  Brazil * 99.0 2015 92.0 2015 74.3 2015 1.0 2015  BritishVirginIslands *  Brunei * 99.4 2011 96.1 2011 61.6 2011 1.0 2011  Bulgaria * 97.9 2011 98.4 2011 97.5 2011 1.0 2011  BurkinaFaso * 50.1 2014 34.6 2014 8.4 2014 0.8 2014  Burundi * 79.6 2014 61.6 2014 24.9 2014 0.9 2014  CapeVerde * 98.1 2015 86.8 2015 36.8 2015 1.0 2015  Cambodia * 92.2 2015 80.5 2015 53.1 2015 1.0 2015  Cameroon * 80.6 2010 71.3 2010 26.1 2010 0.9 2010  Canada *  CaymanIslands * 98.9 2007 98.9 2007 94.7 2007 1.0 2007  CentralAfricanRepublic * 36.4 2010 36.8 2010 35.7 2010 0.6 2010  Chad * 30.8 2016 22.3 2016 7.0 2016 0.6 2016  Chile * 99.4 2015 96.9 2015 89.9 2015 1.0 2015  China * 99.8[6] 2018 96.8[7] 2018 73.9 2010 1.0[8] 2018  HongKong *  Macau * 99.8 2016 96.5 2016 81.2 2016 1.0 2016  Colombia * 98.7 2016 94.7 2016 81.4 2016 1.0 2016  Comoros * 71.6 2012 49.2 2012 12.8 2012 0.9 2012  Congo * 80.9 2011 79.3 2011 73.1 2011 0.9 2011  DRCongo * 85.0 2016 77.0 2016 48.0 2016 0.9 2016  CookIslands *  CostaRica * 99.1 2011 97.4 2011 90.4 2011 1.0 2011  Croatia * 99.7 2011 99.1 2011 97.1 2011 1.0 2011  Cuba * 99.9 2012 99.8 2012 99.2 2012 1.0 2012  Curaçao  Cyprus * 99.8 2011 98.7 2011 93.8 2011 1.0 2011  CzechRepublic *  IvoryCoast * 53.0 2014 43.9 2014 18.0 2014 0.8 2014  Denmark *  Djibouti *  Dominica *  DominicanRepublic * 98.8 2016 93.8 2016 79.8 2016 1.0 2016  Ecuador * 99.1 2016 94.4 2016 77.7 2016 1.0 2016  Egypt * 93.9 2017 71.2 2017 43.2 2013 1.0 2017  ElSalvador * 98.0 2016 88.5 2017 65.7 2016 1.0 2016  EquatorialGuinea * 98.2 2014 95.0 2014 67.2 2014 1.0 2014  Eritrea * 87.0 2008 64.7 2008 20.9 2008 0.9 2008  Estonia * 99.9 2011 99.9 2011 99.7 2011 1.0 2011  Eswatini * 93.5 2010 83.1 2010 45.2 2010 1.0 2010  Ethiopia * 55.0 2007 39.0 2007 13.6 2007 0.7 2007  FaroeIslands *  FalklandIslands *  Fiji *  Finland *  France *  FrenchGuiana * 91.3 1982 82.9 1982 69.7 1982  FrenchPolynesia *  Gabon * 88.5 2012 82.3 2012 60.6 2012 1.0 2012  Gambia * 60.8 2013 42.0 2013 10.4 2013 0.9 2013  Georgia * 99.7 2014 99.6 2014 99.1 2014 1.0 2014  Germany *  Ghana * 85.7 2010 71.5 2010 34.9 2010 0.9 2010  Gibraltar *  Greece * 98.8 2011 97.4 2011 92.5 2011 1.0 2011  Greenland  Grenada * 99.2 2014 98.6 2014 96.2 2014 1.0 2014  Guadeloupe 99.8 2014 96.0 2014 82.9 2014 1.0 2014  Guam * 99.9 1990 99.4 1990 95.9 1990 1.0 1990  Guatemala * 94.4 2014 81.3 2014 50.7 2014 1.0 2014  Guinea * 46.3 2014 32.0 2014 13.1 2014 0.7 2014  Guinea-Bissau * 60.4 2014 45.6 2014 19.5 2014 0.7 2014  Guyana * 96.7 2014 85.6 2014 49.9 2014 1.0 2014  Haiti * 72.3 2006 48.7 2006 8.5 2006 0.9 2006  HolySee  Honduras * 96.1 2016 89.0 2016 66.3 2016 1.0 2016  Hungary * 98.8 2014 99.1 2014 99.1 2014 1.0 2014  Iceland *  India * 95.7 2018 75.4 2018 45.4 2018 0.97 2018  Indonesia * 99.7 2016 95.4 2016 70.1 2016 1.0 2016  Iran * 98.1 2016 85.5 2016 36.8 2016 1.0 2016  Iraq * 93.5 2017 85.6 2017 20.4 2013 0.9 2013  Ireland *  IsleofMan *  Israel * 98.6 1983 91.8 1983 79.8 1983 1.0 1983  Italy * 99.9 2011 98.8 2011 96.7 2011 1.0 2011  Jamaica * 96.3 2014 88.1 2014 66.6 2014 1.1 2014  Japan *  Jordan * 99.1 2012 97.9 2012 87.7 2012 1.0 2012  Kazakhstan * 99.9 2010 99.8 2010 99.5 2010 1.0 2010  Kenya * 86.5 2014 78.7 2014 54.0 2014 1.0 2014  Kiribati *  NorthKorea * 100.0 2008 100.0 2008 100.0 2008 1.0 2008  SouthKorea *  Kuwait * 99.2 2017 96.1 2018 69.5 2015 1.0 2017  Kyrgyzstan * 99.8 2009 99.2 2009 92.5 2009 1.0 2009  Laos * 92.5 2015 84.7 2015 58.6 2015 1.0 2015  Latvia * 99.8 2011 99.9 2011 99.9 2011 1.0 2011  Lebanon * 99.2 2009 91.2 2009 60.2 2009 1.0 2009  Lesotho * 86.6 2014 76.6 2014 51.4 2014 1.2 2014  Liberia * 49.1 2007 42.9 2007 32.8 2007 0.6 2007  Libya * 99.6 2004 86.1 2004 24.2 2004 1.0 2004  Liechtenstein *  Lithuania * 99.9 2011 99.8 2011 99.8 2011 1.0 2011  Luxembourg *  Madagascar * 76.8 2012 71.6 2012 49.4 2012 1.0 2012  Malawi * 72.9 2015 62.1 2015 35.1 2015 1.0 2015  Malaysia * 98.2 2001 89.5 2001 47.1 2001 1.0 2001  Maldives * 99.3 2014 98.6 2014 92.8 2014 1.0 2014  Mali * 49.4 2015 33.1 2015 13.6 2015 0.6 2015  Malta * 98.9 2011 93.3 2011 85.8 2011 1.0 2011  MarshallIslands * 98.5 2011 98.3 2011 89.4 2011 1.0 2011  Martinique 99.8 2014 96.9 2014 88.1 2014 1.0 2014  Mauritania * 56.1 2007 45.5 2007 26.6 2007 0.7 2007  Mauritius * 98.1 2011 93.2 2016 64.6 2011 1.0 2011  Mayotte  Mexico * 99.1 2016 94.9 2016 78.9 2016 1.0 2016  Micronesia *  Monaco *  Mongolia * 98.5 2010 98.3 2010 94.6 2010 1.0 2010  Montenegro * 99.2 2011 98.4 2011 93.9 2011 1.0 2011  Montserrat *  Morocco * 97.7[9] 2018 73.8[9] 2018 34.1[9] 2018 0.99[10] 2018  Mozambique * 70.5 2015 56.0 2015 26.0 2015 0.8 2015  Myanmar * 84.8 2016 75.6 2016 58.2 2016 1.0 2016  Namibia * 94.4 2011 88.3 2011 56.7 2011 1.0 2011  Nauru *  Nepal * 84.8 2011 68 2018 20.8 2011 0.9 2011  Netherlands *  NewCaledonia 99.2 2014 97.8 2014 90.6 2014 1.0 2014  NewZealand *  Nicaragua * 87.0 2005 78.0 2005 49.2 2005 1.0 2005  Niger * 39.8 2012 30.6 2012 13.7 2012 0.7 2012  Nigeria * 66.4 2008 51.1 2008 21.6 2008 0.8 2008  Niue *  NorthernMarianaIslands *  Norway *  Oman * 98.7 2017 96.1 2017 41.9 2016 1.0 2017  Pakistan * 74.5 2017 59.1 2017 27.1 2017 0.83 2017  Palau * 98.7 2015 96.6 2015 84.7 2015 1.0 2015  Palestine * 99.4 2016 96.9 2016 63.9 2016 1.0 2016  Panama * 97.6 2010 94.1 2010 80.9 2010 1.0 2010  PapuaNewGuinea * 67.9 2010 61.6 2010 33.0 2010 1.1 2010  Paraguay * 98.5 2016 94.7 2016 77.8 2016 1.0 2016  Peru * 98.9 2016 94.1 2017 77.7 2016 1.0 2016  Philippines * 98.1 2013 96.4 2013 90.1 2013 1.0 2013  PitcairnIslands  Poland * 99.8 2008 98.7 2008 93.0 2008 1.0 2008  Portugal * 99.4 2011 94.5 2011 80.5 2011 1.0 2011  PuertoRico * 98.8 2010 92.4 2017 84.5 2010 1.0 2010  Qatar * 95.9 2004 89.0 2004 41.0 2004 1.0 2004  Moldova * 99.5 2012 99.1 2012 95.8 2012 1.0 2012  Romania * 99.0 2011 98.6 2011 96.8 2011 1.0 2011  Russia * 99.7 2010 99.7 2010 99.2 2010 1.0 2010  Rwanda * 85.1 2014 70.8 2014 24.3 2014 1.0 2014  Réunion 95.7 1982 78.6 1982 42.0 1982 1.0 1982  SaintHelena * 96.0 1998  SaintKittsandNevis *  SaintLucia *  SaintPierreandMiquelon 99.5 1982 99.3 1982 98.5 1982 1.0 1982  SaintMartin  Samoa * 99.2 2011 99.0 2011 96.3 2011 1.0 2011  SanMarino  SãoToméandPríncipe * 96.7 2012 90.1 2012 49.6 2012 1.0 2012  SaudiArabia * 99.2 2013 94.4 2013 51.4 2013 1.0 2013  Senegal * 69.5 2017 51.9 2017 21.5 2013 0.8 2017  Serbia * 99.7 2016 98.8 2016 96.6 2016 1.0 2016  Seychelles 99.0 2010 94.0 2010 71.5 2010 1.0 2010  SierraLeone * 57.0 2013 32.4 2013 3.7 2013 0.8 2013  Singapore * 99.9 2016 97.0 2016 84.0 2015 1.0 2016  SintMaarten  Slovakia *  Slovenia * 99.8 2014 99.7 2014 99.3 2014 1.0 2014  SolomonIslands * 76.6 1999  Somalia *  SouthAfrica * 99.0 2015 94.4 2015 72.1 2015 1.0 2015  SouthSudan * 36.7 2008 26.8 2008 11.0 2008 0.7 2008  Spain * 99.6 2016 98.3 2016 94.7 2016 1.0 2016  SriLanka * 98.9 2017 91.9 2017 81.0 2016 1.0 2017  SaintVincentandtheGrenadines * 98.0 1970 95.6 1970 91.0 1970 1.0 1970  Sudan * 65.8 2008 53.5 2008 24.3 2008 0.9 2008  Suriname * 97.7 2012 92.9 2012 76.0 2012 1.0 2012  SvalbardandJanMayen  Sweden *  Switzerland *  Syria * 92.5 2004 80.8 2004 39.0 2004 1.0 2004  Macedonia * 98.7 2002 96.1 2002 82.5 2002 1.0 2002  Tajikistan * 99.9 2014 99.8 2014 98.1 2014 1.0 2014  Tanzania * 85.8 2015 77.9 2015 43.5 2015 1.0 2015  Thailand * 98.1 2015 92.9 2015 78.7 2015 1.0 2015  EastTimor * 79.5 2010 58.3 2010 11.2 2010 1.0 2010  Togo * 84.3 2015 63.7 2015 20.4 2015 0.9 2015  Tokelau *  Tonga * 99.4 2011 99.4 2011 98.9 2011 1.0 2011  TrinidadandTobago * 99.3 1990 96.9 1990 82.8 1990 1.0 1990  Tunisia * 96.2 2014 79.0 2014 39.8 2014 1.0 2014  Turkey * 99.6 2016 96.2 2016 88.1 2016 1.0 2016  Turkmenistan * 99.8 2014 99.7 2014 97.6 2014 1.0 2014  TurksandCaicosIslands  Tuvalu *  Uganda * 83.7 2012 70.2 2012 36.1 2012 1.0 2012  Ukraine * 100.0 2012 100.0 2012 100.0 2012 1.0 2012  UnitedArabEmirates * 95.0 2005 90.0 2005 42.1 2005 1.0 2005  UnitedKingdom *  UnitedStates *  Uruguay * 98.9 2017 98.6 2017 97.1 2016 1.0 2017  Uzbekistan * 100.0 2016 100.0 2016 99.8 2016 1.0 2016  Vanuatu * 95.3 2014 84.7 2014 44.2 2014 1.0 2014  Venezuela * 98.8 2016 97.1 2016 88.1 2016 1.0 2016  Vietnam * 97.1 2009 95.8 2019 76.9 2009 1.0 2009  U.S.VirginIslands *  WallisandFutuna  WesternSahara  Yemen * 77.0 2004 54.1 2004 13.7 2004 0.7 2004  Zambia * 88.7 2010 83.0 2010 52.3 2010 0.9 2010  Zimbabwe * 90.4 2014 88.7 2014 81.1 2014 1.1 2014 ListofUNmemberandobserverstatesbyadultliteracyrate[edit] *indicates"LiteracyinCOUNTRYorTERRITORY"or"EducationinCOUNTRYorTERRITORY"links. Literacyratebycountry Country UNESCO[3] Non-UNESCOliteracyrate Both Male Female Gendergap[note1]  World 86.3% 90.0% 82.7% 7.3%  Afghanistan * 38.2% 52.0% 24.2% 27.8%  Albania * 97.6% 98.4% 96.8% 1.6%  Algeria * 80.2% 87.2% 73.1% 14.0% 92.06%[11]  Andorra * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Angola * 71.1% 82.0% 60.7% 21.3%  AntiguaandBarbuda * notreportedbyUNESCO2015 99.0%(2013)[3][note2]  Argentina * 98.1% 98.0% 98.1% -0.1%  Armenia * 99.8% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%  Australia * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Austria * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Azerbaijan * 99.8% 99.9% 99.7% 0.2%  Bahamas notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Bahrain * 95.7% 96.9% 93.5% 3.5%  Bangladesh * [note3]76% 78% 74.2% 5.5% 73.9%(BangladeshBureauofStatisticssamplevitalstatisticsfor2018)  Barbados * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Belarus * 99.7% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%  Belgium * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Belize * 82.7% 82.3% 83.0% -0.7%  Benin * 38.4% 49.9% 27.3% 22.6%  Bhutan * 64.9% 73.1% 55.0% 18.1%  Bolivia * 95.7% 97.8% 93.6% 4.2%  BosniaandHerzegovina * 98.5% 99.5% 97.5% 2.1% 97.2%(2013)[12][note4]  Botswana * 88.5% 88.0% 88.9% -0.9%  Brazil * 91.7% 91.4% 92.1% -0.7%  Brunei * 96.4% 97.7% 95.1% 2.6%  Bulgaria * 98.4% 98.7% 98.1% 0.7%  BurkinaFaso * 36% 43.0% 29.3% 13.7%  Burundi * 85.6% 88.2% 83.1% 5.1%  CapeVerde * 87.6% 92.1% 83.1% 9.0%  Cambodia * 77.2% 84.5% 70.5% 13.9%  Cameroon * 75% 81.2% 68.9% 12.3%  Canada * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  CentralAfricanRepublic * 36.8% 50.7% 24.4% 26.4%  Chad * 40.2% 48.5% 31.9% 16.6%  Chile * 97.3% 97.4% 97.2% 0.2%  China * 96.4% 98.2% 94.5% 3.7%  Colombia * 94.7% 94.6% 94.8% -0.2%  Comoros * 77.8% 81.8% 73.7% 8.1%  Congo * 79.3% 86.4% 72.9% 13.6%  DRCongo * 77.3% 88.9% 66.0% 22.8%  CostaRica * 97.8% 97.7% 97.8% -0.1%  IvoryCoast * 43.1% 53.1% 32.5% 20.6%  Croatia * 99.3% 99.7% 98.9% 0.7%  Cuba * 99.7% 99.7% 99.8% -0.1%  Cyprus * 99.1% 99.5% 98.7% 0.8%  CzechRepublic * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Denmark * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Djibouti * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Dominica * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  DominicanRepublic * 91.8% 91.2% 92.3% -1.1%  Ecuador * 94.5% 95.4% 93.5% 1.8%  Egypt * 75.2% 83.2% 67.3% 16.0%  ElSalvador * 88.4% 90.7% 86.4% 4.3%  EquatorialGuinea * 95.3% 97.4% 93.0% 4.4%  Eritrea * 73.8% 82.4% 65.5% 16.9%  Estonia * 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 0.0%  Ethiopia * 49.1% 57.2% 41.1% 16.1%  Fiji * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Finland * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  France * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Gabon * 83.2% 85.3% 81.0% 4.3%  Gambia * 55.5% 63.9% 47.6% 16.3%  Georgia * 99.8% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%  Germany * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Ghana * 76.6% 82.0% 71.4% 10.7%  Greece * 97.7% 98.5% 96.9% 1.6%  Grenada * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Guatemala * 79.3% 84.7% 74.4% 10.4%  Guinea * 30.4% 38.1% 22.8% 15.3%  Guinea-Bissau * 59.9% 71.8% 48.3% 23.5%  Guyana * 88.5% 87.2% 89.8% -2.6%  Haiti * 60.7% 64.3% 57.3% 7.0%  Honduras * 88.5% 88.4% 88.6% -0.1%  Hungary * 99.1% 99.1% 99.0% 0.2%  Iceland * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  India * [note5]74.3% 82.3% 65.8% 16.6% 77.7%(NationalStatisticalCommission2018Survey)[13]  Indonesia * 93.9% 96.3% 91.5% 4.7%  Iran * 86.8% 91.2% 82.5% 8.7%  Iraq * 43.7% 43.0% 38.0% 5.0% 78.5%[14]  Ireland * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Israel * notreportedbyUNESCO2015 97.8%(2011)[4][note6]  Italy * 99.2% 99.4% 99.0% 0.4%  Jamaica * 88.7% 84.0% 93.1% -9.1%  Japan * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Jordan * 97.9%(in2012) 98.4% 97.4% 1.0%  Kazakhstan * 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 0.0%  Kenya * 78% 81.1% 74.9% 6.2%  Kiribati * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  NorthKorea * 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0%  SouthKorea * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Kuwait * 96.2% 96.9% 95.0% 1.9%  Kyrgyzstan * 99.5% 99.6% 99.4% 0.2%  Laos * 79.9% 87.1% 72.8% 14.3%  Latvia * 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 0.0%  Lebanon * 93.9% 96.0% 91.8% 4.1%  Lesotho * 79.4% 70.1% 88.3% -18.2%  Liberia * 47.6% 62.4% 32.8% 29.6%  Libya * 91% 96.7% 85.6% 11.1%  Liechtenstein * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Lithuania * 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 0.0%  Luxembourg * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Macedonia * 97.8% 98.8% 96.8% 2.0%  Madagascar * 64.7% 66.7% 62.6% 4.1%  Malawi * 65.8% 73.0% 58.6% 14.4%  Malaysia * 94.6% 96.2% 93.2% 3.0%  Maldives * 99.3% 99.8% 98.8% 0.9%  Mali * 38.7% 48.2% 29.2% 19.0%  Malta * 94.1% 92.5% 95.7% -3.2%  MarshallIslands * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Mauritania * 52.1% 62.6% 41.6% 21.0%  Mauritius * 90.6% 92.9% 88.5% 4.4%  Mexico * 94.4% 95.6% 93.3% 2.2%  Micronesia * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Moldova * 99.4% 99.7% 99.1% 0.7%  Monaco * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Mongolia * 98.4% 98.2% 98.6% -0.4%  Montenegro * 98.7% 99.5% 98.0% 1.4%  Morocco * 73.8%[9] 83.3%[9] 64.6%[9] 18.7%[9]  Mozambique * 58.8% 73.3% 45.4% 27.9%  Myanmar * 75.6%[note7] 80.0% 71.9% 8.1%  Namibia * 81.9% 79.2% 84.5% -5.3%  Nauru * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Nepal * 64.7% 75.6% 55.1% 20.5%  Netherlands * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  NewZealand * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Nicaragua * 82.8% 82.4% 83.2% -0.9%  Niger * 19.1% 27.3% 11.0% 16.3%  Nigeria * 59.6% 69.2% 49.7% 19.5% 71.6%(2010)[16][note8]  Norway * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Oman * 94.8% 96.9% 90.0% 6.9%  Pakistan * 59.1%(Year- 2017) 71.1% 46.5% 24.6% 62.3%(2018)[17][note9]  Palau * 99.5% 99.5% 99.6% -0.1%  Panama * 95% 95.7% 94.4% 1.2%  PapuaNewGuinea * 64.2% 65.6% 62.8% 2.8%  Paraguay * 95.6% 96.1% 95.0% 1.1%  Peru * 94.5% 97.3% 91.7% 5.6%  Philippines * 96.3% 95.8% 96.8% -1.0%  Poland * 99.8% 99.9% 99.7% 0.2%  Portugal * 95.4% 96.9% 94.1% 2.8%  Palestine * 96.7% 98.5% 94.8% 3.7% 2015;[3]UNObserverState[18]  Qatar * 97.8% 97.9% 97.3% 0.6%  Romania * 98.8% 99.1% 98.5% 0.6%  Russia * 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 0.0%  Rwanda * 70.5% 73.2% 68.0% 5.2%  SaintKittsandNevis * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  SaintLucia * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  SaintVincentandtheGrenadines * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Samoa * 99% 98.9% 99.1% -0.2%  SanMarino notreportedbyUNESCO2015  SãoToméandPríncipe * 74.9% 81.8% 68.4% 13.4%  SaudiArabia * 94.7% 97.0% 91.1% 5.9%  Senegal * 55.7% 68.5% 43.8% 24.6%  Serbia * 98.1% 99.1% 97.2% 1.9%  Seychelles 95.2% 94.7% 95.7% -1.0%  SierraLeone * 48.1% 58.7% 37.7% 21.1%  Singapore * 96.8% 98.7% 95.1% 3.6%  Slovakia * 99.6% 99.6% 99.6% 0.0%  Slovenia * 99.7% 99.7% 99.7% 0.0%  SolomonIslands * notreportedbyUNESCO2015 84.1%(2015)[4][note10]  Somalia * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  SouthAfrica * 94.4% 95.5% 93.1% 2.4%  SouthSudan * 26.8% 34.8% 19.2% 15.6%  Spain * 98.1% 98.7% 97.5% 1.3%  SriLanka * 92.6% 93.6% 91.7% 1.9%  Sudan * 53.5% 59.80% 46.7% 13.1%  Suriname * 95.6% 96.1% 95.0% 1.1%  Eswatini * 87.5% 87.4% 87.5% -0.1%  Sweden * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Switzerland * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Syria * 86.4% 91.7% 81.0% 10.7%  Tajikistan * 99.8% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%  Tanzania * 80.3% 84.8% 75.9% 9.0%  Thailand * 96.7% 96.6% 96.7% -0.1%  EastTimor * 67.5% 71.5% 63.4% 8.1%  Togo * 66.5% 78.3% 55.3% 23.0%  Tonga * 99.4% 99.3% 99.4% -0.1%  TrinidadandTobago * 99% 99.2% 98.7% 0.5%  Tunisia * 81.8% 89.6% 74.2% 15.4%  Turkey * 95% 98.4% 91.8% 6.6%  Turkmenistan * 99.7% 99.8% 99.6% 0.1%  Tuvalu * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Uganda * 73.9% 80.8% 66.9% 14.0%  Ukraine * 99.8% 99.8% 99.7% 0.1%  UnitedArabEmirates * 93.8% 93.1% 95.8% -2.6%  UnitedKingdom * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  UnitedStates * notreportedbyUNESCO2015  Uruguay * 98.4% 98.1% 98.7% -0.6%  Uzbekistan * 99.6% 99.7% 99.5% 0.3%  Vanuatu * 85.2% 86.6% 83.8% 2.8%  Venezuela * 95.4% 95.0% 95.7% -0.7%  Vietnam * 94.5% 96.3% 92.8% 3.4%  Yemen * 70.1% 85.1% 55.0% 30.1%  Zambia * 63.4% 70.9% 56.0% 14.9%  Zimbabwe * 86.5% 88.5% 84.6% 4.0% Listofotherstatesandterritories[edit] Territory Literacyrate(all) Maleliteracy Femaleliteracy Genderdifference Year Notes  Aruba 97.5% 97.5% 97.5% 0.0% 2015[3] AconstituentcountryoftheKingdomoftheNetherlands.  CaymanIslands 98.9% 98.7% 99.0% -0.3% 2007[3] AnoverseasterritoryoftheUnitedKingdom.  Guadeloupe 96.5% 96.4% 96.6% -0.2% 2015[3] Overseasregion/departmentofFrance.  Guam 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 0.0% 2015[3] AnunincorporatedandorganizedterritoryoftheUnitedStates.  Kosovo 91.9% 96.6% 87.5% 9.1% 2003[4] MemberoftwoUNspecializedagencies(WorldBankGroupandInternationalMonetaryFund).ItisclaimedbySerbia.  Macau 96.2% 98.0% 94.6% 3.4% 2015[3] AspecialadministrativeregionofChina.  Martinique 97.0% 97.6% 96.4% 1.2% 2015[3] Overseasregion/departmentofFrance.  NewCaledonia 96.9% 97.3% 96.5% 0.8% 2015[3] Overseasregion/departmentofFrance.  PuertoRico 93.3% 92.8% 93.8% -1.0% 2015[3] UnincorporatedterritoryoftheUnitedStates.  Réunion 93.9% 93.2% 94.5% -1.3% 2015[3] Overseasregion/departmentofFrance.  Taiwan 98.70% 99.73% 97.69% 2.05% 2017[19] Taiwan-Penghu-Kinmen-MatsuArea Seealso[edit] InternationalLiteracyDay Compulsoryeducation ListofIndianstatesandunionterritoriesbyliteracyrate ListofBrazilianstatesbyliteracyrate ProgrammeforInternationalStudentAssessment,whichfocusesondevelopedcountries Notes[edit] ^Gendergapiscalculatedasthemaleliteracyrateminusthefemaleliteracyrate.Negativevaluesshowscountrieswithhigherfemaleratesthanmale. ^Thebreakdownbygenderis98.4%male,99.4%female(differenceof-1.0%) ^Adultrate:73.91%.Bygender:M=76.67%,F=71.18%.Allfigures2018,NationalestimatesaspublishedonUNESCOsite.[3] ^Genderbreakdownis99.2%maleand95.2forfemales."Dataonliteracywerecollectedforpersonsaged10ormoreyearswhodidnotreceiveanykindofformaleducationorwithincompleteprimaryeducation.Apersoncapableofreadingwithunderstandingandwritingastatementonhis/herdailyroutineshallbeconsideredtobealiterateperson." ^Adultrate:74.37%.Bygender:M=82.37%,F=65.79%.Allfigures2018,UISestimatesaspublishedonUNESCOsite.[3] ^Thebreakdownbygenderis98.7%male,95.8%female(differenceof2.9%) ^Adultrate:75.55%.Bygender:M=80.01%,F=71.85%.Allfigures2016.[15] ^Thebreakdownbygenderis79.3%male,63.7%female(differenceis15.6%) ^Thebreakdownbygenderis72.5%male,51.8%female(differenceis20.7%) ^Thebreakdownbygenderis88.9%male,79.2%female(differenceis9.7%) References[edit] ^"LiteracyStatisticsMetadataInformationTable".UNESCOInstituteforStatistics.September2015.Archivedfromtheoriginalon2June2017.Retrieved19November2015. ^Lutz,Wolfgang&Scherbov,Sergei(July2006).GlobalAge-specificLiteracyProjectionsModel(GALP):Rationale,MethodologyandSoftware(PDF).AdultEducationandLiteracyStatisticsProgramme.UNESCOInstituteforStatistics. ^abcdefghijklmno"Adultliteracyrate,population15+years(bothsexes,female,male)".UISDataCentre.UNESCO.Retrieved20November2019. ^abcd"CountryComparisontotheWorldofLiteracyRate".TheWorldFactbook.CentralIntelligenceAgency.Retrieved1November2015. ^"UISTellmaps" ^"Literacyrate,youthtotal(%ofpeopleages15-24)-China|Data" ^"Literacyrate,adulttotal(%ofpeopleages15andabove)-China" ^"Literacyrate,youth(ages15-24),genderparityindex(GPI)-China|Data" ^abcdefg"Morocco" ^"UISStatistics" ^"Letauxd'analphabétismeenAlgérieréduità7,94%en2021".LaTribune.24January2017.Archivedfromtheoriginalon22October2017.Retrieved2July2017. ^"BiHCensus2013"(PDF).BHAS.2016.p. 138. ^"InternationalLiteracyDay2020:AndhraPradeshworst,Delhi2ndbest–StatewiseliteracyrateinIndia" ^"UNICEF-Ataglance:Iraq-Statistics" ^"UISStatistics". ^"NationalLiteracySurvey".NationalBureauofStatistics.June2010.Retrieved5September2015. ^"PakistanEconomicSurvey2018-19Chapter10:Education"(PDF).EconomicSurveyofPakistan.2019-06-10.Retrieved2019-07-07. ^"Non-memberStates".UnitedNations.Archivedfromtheoriginalon9May2009.Retrieved12November2015. ^"RepublicofChina'spopulationovertheageof15educationstatistics"(inChinese(Taiwan)).MinistryoftheInterior.25February2017.Archivedfromtheoriginalon2017-04-24.Retrieved23April2017. Externallinks[edit] WorldBank–Literacyrate,adulttotal(%ofpeopleages15andabove),forhistoricaluse. vteEconomicclassificationofcountries Developedcountry Developingcountry Leastdevelopedcountries WorldBankhigh-incomeeconomy Newlyindustrializedcountry Heavilyindebtedpoorcountries Three-WorldModel FirstWorld SecondWorld ThirdWorld FourthWorld Grossdomesticproduct(GDP)Nominal Bycountry pastandprojected percapita percapita Purchasingpowerparity(PPP) Bycountry futureestimates percapita percapita perpersonemployed Grossnationalincome(GNI) (Nominal,Atlasmethod)percapita (PPP)percapita Wages Averagewage Europe Employeecompensation(perhour) Listofcountriesbymedianwage Minimumwages Canada Europe UnitedStates Wealth Wealthperadult Europe Financialassetspercapita Othernationalaccounts GrossNationalHappiness Netmaterialproduct Researchanddevelopmentspending Stockmarketcapitalization Humandevelopment HumanDevelopmentIndex bycountry inequality-adjusted planetarypressures–adjustedHDI HumanPovertyIndex Percentagelivinginpoverty HumanCapitalIndex Householdincome SocialProgressIndex Digitaldivide ICTDevelopmentIndex NumberofbroadbandInternetsubscriptions NumberofInternetusers Smartphonepenetration Netinternationalinvestmentposition(NIIP) Percapita(creditors) Percapita(debtors)  Economicsportal • Worldportal vteLiteracyLearning Adolescentliteracy Emergentliteracy Familyliteracy Functionalilliteracy Phonics Post-literacy Wholelanguage Locations Listofcountriesbyliteracyrate India Bihar NewZealand Tokelau Romania UnitedStates Institutions InternationalLiteracyAssociation InternationalLiteracyDay NationalCouncilofTeachersofEnglish NoChildLeftBehindAct People MarieClay RuthJohnsonColvin PauloFreire JamesPaulGee GriffithJones FrankLaubach BrianStreet Othertypes Agricultural Braille Carbon Computer Critical Cultural Data Digital Diaspora Ecological Electracy Emotional Faith Financial Geo-literacy Graph Health Information Informationliteracies Informationandmedia Legal Media Mentalhealth Multiliteracies Musical Numeracy Object Oracy Power Physical Racial Religious Scientific Social Statistical Technological Transliteracy Visual Web Related Aliteracy Asemicwriting Children'sliterature DickandJane Dyslexia Literacytest Mediaconsumption Orality Oralliterature Post-literatesociety Reading Writing Writingsystem vteListsofcountriesbypopulationstatisticsGlobal Currentpopulation Demographicsoftheworld Continents/subregions Africa Antarctica Asia Europe NorthAmerica Caribbean Oceania SouthAmerica Intercontinental Americas Arabworld CommonwealthofNations Eurasia EuropeanUnion Islands LatinAmerica MiddleEast Cities/urbanareas Worldcities Nationalcapitals Megacities Megalopolises Pastandfuture Pastandfuturepopulation Worldpopulationestimates 1 1000 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1907 1925 1939 1989 2000 2005 2010 2015 Populationmilestones Populationdensity Currentdensity Pastandfuturepopulationdensity Currentrealdensitybasedonfoodgrowingcapacity Growthindicators Populationgrowthrate Naturalincrease Birthrate Mortalityrate Fertilityrate Pastfertilityrate Otherdemographics Ageatfirstmarriage Agestructure Dependencyratio Divorcerate Ethnicandculturaldiversitylevel Immigrantpopulation Linguisticdiversity Medianage Netmigrationrate Numberofhouseholds Sexratio Urbanpopulation Urbanization Health Antidepressantconsumption Antiviralmedicationsforpandemicinfluenza HIV/AIDSadultprevalencerate Infantandunder-fivemortalityrates Maternalmortalityrate Lifeexpectancy Obesityrate Pastlifeexpectancy Percentagesufferingfromundernourishment Healthexpenditurebycountrybytypeoffinancing Suiciderate Totalhealthexpenditurepercapita Bodymassindex(BMI) Educationandinnovation BloombergInnovationIndex EducationIndex InternationalInnovationIndex Literacyrate ProgrammeforInternationalStudentAssessment(PISA) ProgrammefortheInternationalAssessmentofAdultCompetencies ProgressinInternationalReadingLiteracyStudy(PIRLS) Studentskills Tertiaryeducationattainment TrendsinInternationalMathematicsandScienceStudy(TIMSS) WorldIntellectualPropertyIndicators Economic Accesstofinancialservices Developmentaidgiven OfficialDevelopmentAssistancereceived Employmentrate Irrigatedlandarea HumanDevelopmentIndex bycountry inequality-adjusted planetarypressures–adjustedHDI HumanPovertyIndex Imports Incomeequality Labourforce Shareofincomeoftop1% Numberofmillionaires(USdollars) Numberofbillionaires(USdollars) Percentagelivinginpoverty Publicsector Unemploymentrate Listofinternationalrankings Listsbycountry Retrievedfrom"" Categories:ListsofcountriesLiteracyListsofcountriesbypopulation-relatedissueHiddencategories:CS1Chinese(Taiwan)-languagesources(zh-tw)ArticleswithshortdescriptionShortdescriptionisdifferentfromWikidataWikipediapendingchangesprotectedpagesWikipediaarticlesinneedofupdatingfromMarch2022AllWikipediaarticlesinneedofupdating Navigationmenu Personaltools NotloggedinTalkContributionsCreateaccountLogin Namespaces ArticleTalk English Views 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