A Visit To Lin Ceramics - travelling teapot

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I was in Taipei, Taiwan last week and I spent an afternoon at Lin Ceramics Studio. For readers who are unfamiliar with Lin Ceramics - this ... Sunday,April1,2018 AVisitToLinCeramics IwasinTaipei,TaiwanlastweekandIspentanafternoonatLinCeramicsStudio.  Forreaderswhoareunfamiliar withLinCeramics-this ceramiccompanywasstartedin1983inTaiwan. Theymainlyproducemainlyteawareandarefamousfor their purionceramics. Today,LinCeramicshavemorethan10showroom/outlets throughoutTaiwan.  Ihadgood impressionsofLin's purionteawareandownafew purionteapotsandteacups. Iwasintroducedmanyyearsagoto Lin'spurion byMrLauofLau YuFatteashopinHongKong. Ifoundthatpuerhandhighroastedoolongsseemtotastemoreamplified. Icannotexplainthereasonforthis'change'andafewteabuddieswhoownsthese teawarefoundsimilarresultsintheirteaaswell.  Purionisamixtureofnaturalmineraloreandpotteryclay. Lin'sbrochuresstatedthatthemixture"combinedbothPorphyriesAndesite,infraredrayandbamboocharcoal". Igoogledthisandfoundandesitewas mainlyvolcanicrock. The brochures furtherelaboratedthat"wepartneredwithaTaiwaneseceramicartistGuChuanZi,todevelopthepurioncollection. Purionisamixtureofnaturalmineraloreandpotteryclay. This formulaisabletoimprovewaterquality,elevatingthetasteand textureoftea,liquorandcoffee".  ButIdigress. I cannotexplainwhyusingpurionteawareseemtomaketheteatastedifferent. ThereareotherteawareIhadencounteredthatmakestheteatastedifferentaswell. Japanesetetsubins,Yixingclayandcertainporcelainseemtohavedifferenteffectsonteaaswell. Thedifferenceis subtle butseriousorhardcoreChineseteadrinkerscan discernthisdifference. Iwill devoteablogentryonthistopic. BacktoLin. IvisitedtheconceptstoreinYongkangarea. The2ndpixshowedanartisticteaset. The5thpixshowsaLinCeladonsetwhichispopularwithteadrinkersthatdrinklighterroastedoolongsandgreenteaslikethefamousTaiwan'shighmountainoolongs. Ihadthe opportunitytocompareandtasteteausingvariousLinteapots(seelastpix). LinCeramicsarealsolocatedinthefamousTaipei101building/mall. Theyalsooperate2 branchesattheYinggeoldstreetinYinggedistrict,whichislessthananhour'strainride. Yinggeold streetisrenownedforthemanyceramicsshopsandisawonderlandfortheteawareenthusiast.  Imanagedtopurchaseandhand-carryhomeafewpurionteaware,includingtheraretriplefiredpurionteacups. Iwilllistacoupleofthesesoon. Postedby wilson at 3:18PM Nocomments: PostaComment NewerPost OlderPost Home Subscribeto: PostComments(Atom) Musesofateadrinker wilson Singapore Ienjoymycupoftea.Haveachucklewithmewhenyoureadmythoughtsontea,whetheritssillyorpoliticallyincorrect. Ihaveanonlinestore(openedinJuly2016)thathassomeofmyfavoriteteasIhadfoundduringmyteatravels-www.adventureineverycup.com Viewmycompleteprofile Translate Followers BlogArchive ►  2022 (4) ►  February (2) ►  January (2) ►  2021 (24) ►  December (2) ►  November (2) ►  October (2) ►  September (2) ►  August (2) ►  July (2) ►  June (2) ►  May (2) ►  April (2) ►  March (2) ►  February (2) ►  January (2) ►  2020 (21) ►  December (2) ►  November (2) ►  October (2) ►  September (1) ►  August (2) ►  July (2) ►  June (2) ►  May (1) ►  April (2) ►  March (1) ►  February (2) ►  January (2) ►  2019 (22) ►  November (2) ►  October (2) ►  September (2) ►  August (2) ►  July (2) ►  June (2) ►  May (2) ►  April (2) ►  March (2) ►  February (2) ►  January (2) ▼  2018 (34) ►  December (2) ►  November (3) ►  October (3) ►  September (3) ►  August (3) ►  July (3) ►  June (3) ►  May (3) ▼  April (3) TeapotMaintenance 2008TaeteaDayi8582 AVisitToLinCeramics ►  March (2) ►  February (3) ►  January (3) ►  2017 (36) ►  December (2) ►  November (3) ►  October (3) ►  September (3) ►  August (3) ►  July (3) ►  June (3) ►  May (4) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (3) ►  January (3) ►  2016 (39) ►  December (3) ►  November (3) ►  October (3) ►  September (3) ►  August (3) ►  July (4) ►  June (3) ►  May (4) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (3) ►  January (4) ►  2015 (40) ►  December (3) ►  November (4) ►  October (3) ►  September (3) ►  August (3) ►  July (4) ►  June (3) ►  May (4) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (3) ►  January (4) ►  2014 (40) ►  December (4) ►  November (4) ►  October (3) ►  September (3) ►  August (4) ►  July (4) ►  June (2) ►  May (4) ►  April (1) ►  March (4) ►  February (3) ►  January (4) ►  2013 (40) ►  December (3) ►  November (3) ►  October (4) ►  September (4) ►  August (3) ►  July (3) ►  June (4) ►  May (3) ►  April (3) ►  March (3) ►  February (3) ►  January (4) ►  2012 (42) ►  December (2) ►  November (4) ►  October (3) ►  September (4) ►  August (4) ►  July (4) ►  June (1) ►  May (4) ►  April (4) ►  March (4) ►  February (4) ►  January (4) ►  2011 (50) ►  December (4) ►  November (4) ►  October (4) ►  September (4) ►  August (4) ►  July (4) ►  June (4) ►  May (5) ►  April (4) ►  March (5) ►  February (4) ►  January (4) ►  2010 (49) ►  December (3) ►  November (4) ►  October (4) ►  September (4) ►  August (4) ►  July (4) ►  June (4) ►  May (5) ►  April (4) ►  March (4) ►  February (4) ►  January (5) ►  2009 (52) ►  December (4) ►  November (5) ►  October (5) ►  September (6) ►  August (4) ►  July (5) ►  June (5) ►  May (4) ►  April (4) ►  March (3) ►  February (2) ►  January (5) ►  2008 (1) ►  November (1) counter
