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F-35 Lightning II: HomeThe official website of the F-35 Lightning II. The Joint Strike Fighter is the next generation fighter to support the US Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, United ...F-35 Variants | F-35 Lightning IIThe F-35 family includes three variants – all single-seat jets: the F-35A ... The F- 35A will be the most prevalent variant of the F-35. ... Share Twitter Facebook ...F35突破S400拦截,叙利亚兵工厂变成火海,隐身战机成俄武器克星 ...2020年5月10日 · 以色列F-35战机袭击了叙利亚的一处武器库. 据希腊媒体近日报道,由于近期以色列军方对叙利亚境内空袭行动的影响,俄罗斯军方已经同意向伊朗 ...Ex-Pentagon official suggests leasing F-35 stealth jets to Taiwan ...7 天前 · Aircraft could be stationed on standby outside Taiwan to thwart spies and preemptive strikes.In the face of aggressive incursions by China's Air ...How the F-35 could be a game-changer for Singapore - Defense News2020年2月10日 · MELBOURNE, Australia — Singapore's long-expected decision to acquire the Lockheed Martin-made F-35B Joint Strike Fighter could ...F-35 gets thumbs up from Singapore's air chief - Defense News2020年2月14日 · In a written reply to questions by the media, Maj. Gen. Kelvin Khong said the Republic of Singapore Air Force “is convinced that the F-35 program ...Singapore's careful F-35 fighter aircraft purchase | The Interpreter2019年3月15日 · With these flying advanced sensor arrays, the aim could be to protect Singapore as Switzerland of Southeast Asia.F-35 Lightning II | Lockheed MartinWith stealth technology, advanced sensors, weapons capacity and range, the F- 35 is the most lethal, survivable and connected fighter aircraft ever built.
