@ARGV - Perldoc Browser
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The array @ARGV contains the command-line arguments intended for the script. $#ARGV is generally the number of arguments minus one, because $ARGV[0] is the ... PerldocBrowser 5.36.0 Latest 5.36.0 5.34.1 5.34.0 5.32.1 5.32.0 5.30.3 5.30.2 5.30.1 5.30.0 5.28.3 5.28.2 5.28.1 5.28.0 5.26.3 5.26.2 5.26.1 5.26.0 5.24.4 5.24.3 5.24.2 5.24.1 5.24.0 5.22.4 5.22.3 5.22.2 5.22.1 5.22.0 5.20.3 5.20.2 5.20.1 5.20.0 5.18.4 5.18.3 5.18.2 5.18.1 5.18.0 5.16.3 5.16.2 5.16.1 5.16.0 5.14.4 5.14.3 5.14.2 5.14.1 5.14.0 5.12.5 5.12.4 5.12.3 5.12.2 5.12.1 5.12.0 5.10.1 5.10.0 5.8.9 5.8.8 5.8.7 5.8.6 5.8.5 5.8.4 5.8.3 5.8.2 5.8.1 5.8.0 5.6.2 5.6.1 5.6.0 5.005_04 5.005_03 5.005_02 5.005_01 5.005 Dev blead 5.37.4 5.37.3 5.37.2 5.37.1 5.37.0 5.36.0-RC3 5.36.0-RC2 5.35.11 5.35.10 5.35.9 5.35.8 5.35.7 5.35.6 5.35.5 5.35.4 5.35.3 5.35.2 5.35.1 5.35.0 5.33.9 5.33.8 5.33.7 5.33.6 5.33.5 5.33.4 5.33.3 5.33.2 5.33.1 5.33.0 Documentation Perl Intro Tutorials FAQs Reference Operators Functions Variables Modules Utilities Community History Expand variables /@ARGV (source, CPAN) #@ARGV Thearray@ARGVcontainsthecommand-lineargumentsintendedforthescript.$#ARGVisgenerallythenumberofargumentsminusone,because$ARGV[0]isthefirstargument,nottheprogram'scommandnameitself.See"$0"forthecommandname. PerldocBrowserismaintainedbyDanBook(DBOOK).PleasecontacthimviatheGitHubissuetrackeroremailregardinganyissueswiththesiteitself,search,orrenderingofdocumentation. ThePerldocumentationismaintainedbythePerl5PortersinthedevelopmentofPerl.PleasecontactthemviathePerlissuetracker,themailinglist,orIRCtoreportanyissueswiththecontentsorformatofthedocumentation.
- 1Perl Display And Pass Command Line Arguments With @argv
Perl command line arguments stored in the special array called @ARGV . The array @ARGV contains t...
- 2即時餵資料給程式吃 - 朝陽科技大學
Perl 會把使用者敲在命令列上的參數放在@ARGV 陣列裡。 (熟悉C 語言的讀者請注意: 在perl 當中, $ARGV[0] 是第一個參數, 不是命令名稱) 程式執行方式(以count_a...
- 3@ARGV - Perldoc Browser
The array @ARGV contains the command-line arguments intended for the script. $#ARGV is generally ...
- 4Processing command line arguments - @ARGV in Perl
Perl automatically provides an array called @ARGV, that holds all the values from the command lin...
- 5Perl Command Line Arguments | argv - Javatpoint
Command line arguments are sent to a Perl program in the same way as in any other language. The @...