文章推薦指數: 80 %
1. Have you set up the conference room already? 會議室已經準備好了嗎? 2. Let's get started today's meeting. 那就開始會議吧! 3. I suggest to ... 商周會員登入 × 啟動成功關鍵,隨時掌握商周.com最新資訊
- 1【英文文法】YouTuber 5 大常用文法句型解析! | Glossika ...
- 2請問這句英文文法為什麼用started?(蔡依林的歌詞) | Yahoo奇摩 ...
問1:請問這句英文文法為什麼用started? (蔡依林美人計的歌詞出現) Let's get the dance started. 問2:可以用Let's get the dance star...
- 3戒掉爛英文
1. Have you set up the conference room already? 會議室已經準備好了嗎? 2. Let's get started today's meeting....
- 4let's get it started文法,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
let's get it started文法,大家都在找解答第1頁。 ,不背單字、不記文法,英文變成一種趣味。 ... 就像英文裡的"I don't know、I have no idea、It...
- 5請問這句英文文法為什麼用started?(蔡依林的歌詞) | let's get it ...
let's get it started文法,大家都在找解答。問4:另外可以不加冠詞the 嗎? Let's get dance start. Let's get dance started. ...