Transitioning Google URL Shortener to Firebase Dynamic Links

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We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Blogofourlatestnews,updates,andstoriesfordevelopers TransitioningGoogleURLShortenertoFirebaseDynamicLinks Friday,March30,2018 Google Labels: dynamiclinks , Firebase , url , urlshortener Nocomments : PostaComment    Labels  .app .dev #30DaysOfFlutter #AIY #AndroidDevSummit #Angular #ContactsAPI #CSEdWeek #Dart#Web#GDE#Experts#IamaGDE #devfest18#devfeststories#gdg#googledevelopers#developers#community #Experts #freeandopen #GCP #GDC20 #GDE #GDE#ML#GCP#DataScience #GoogleWorkspace #GoogleWorkspaceAdd-ons #GoogleWorkspaceDeveloper #GoogleIO #GooglePlay#AndroidDevStory#PlayStore#DeveloperConsole#StoreListingExperiments #growwithgoogle #IamaGDE #io12 #io13 #io14 #io15 #io16 #io17 #io18 #io2012 #io2013 #io2014 #MachineLearning #Maps #PeopleAPI #PrintNanny #TensorFlow #Web +1 20%project 3d 3Dfacemesh accelerator Access accessibility AccountLinking actions ActionsBuilder Actionsconsole actionsongoogle ActionsSDK actions-on-google actionsongoogle activity AdministrativeAPIs AdMob adobe AdobeCreativeCloud AdobeCreativeCloudLibraries Ads adsense advanced advogato AdWords africa agencyprogram agpl AI AIPrinciples AIY AIYProjects AIYProjects ajax ajaxapis ajaxsearch ajaxsearchbooksnewsapis AlfredCamera allforgood amarok AMP AMPCache analytics andAssistant android AndroidAppDevelopment AndroidDevSummit2021 AndroidDeveloper androiddevelopercertification androiddevelopers AndroidDevelopment AndroidStudio AndroidThings AndroidTools AndroidTV androidwear android11 androidstudio Angular animation Announcement announcements aogdevs apache api API.AI apis apisconsole apisexplorer apis.charts app appdesign Appdev AppDevelopment appengine appindexing appindexingapi AppInvites AppActions apple ApplicationDevelopment apps appsscript AR ARCore area120 Art artifactmanagement ArtificialIntelligence asia asl assistant atompublishingprotocol Audio augmentedfaces Augmentedimages augmentedreality australia Auth authentication authsub automaticspeechrecognition AutoML awards axsjax Badges barcodes Bazel beacon beacons Belarus bespin bestpractices beta bigquery bitcoin Black BlackConsciousnessDay Blockly blogger Bluetooth booksearch booksAPI bootcamp braintree Brazil britishenglish Brotli browser BuildOut buildingajaxapps BuildOut Bulgaria business businessconsole businessmessaging buzz c++ Cache caja caldav calendar camino campfireone caption cardboard CardDAV cast CastConnect celebrating Certification certificationaward Change channel chinese chrome chromeapps chromedevsummit chromedevtools chromeexperiment chromeextensions chromeos ChromeOSIO ChromeOSIO19 chromewebstore chrome-extension Chromebooks chromecast chromium chronoscope cifs classes classroomapi clientlibraries Climate closuretools cloud Cloudanchor CloudAnchors CloudComputing clouddatastore CloudFunctions cloudfunctionsforfirebase CloudNext cloudplatform cloudportability cloudservices CloudShells cloudsql cloudstorage CloudStudyJam cms cocacola CocoaPods codeforeducators codejam codereview code-in codeedu codelabs coding coffeewithagoogler Colaboratory collada color ColtMcAnlis commerce community communityconnectors compatibility competition Compilers compression compressorhead computerscience ComputerScienceEducationWeek computervision computingheritage conference conferences Console contactsapi Containers content-api contest contextualgadgets conversationdesign conversationalAI conversations Coral Coralupdates CoreML couchdb countdowntoI/O2012 countrysupport courses COVID COVID-19 COVID19DetectProtect CPU crashcourse CrashReporting crashlytics creativecommons cricket crisisresponse Croatia Crostini cryptocurrency cryptography css css3 CustomElements customsearch customsearchapi cxd Czechia DA danishlinuxforum dart Dashboard DataCompression Datascience DataVisualization database Databases Dataset Datasets datastore dataviz Daydream Debian demo DemoDay deprecation Depth design desktop desktopapps DevLibrary DevTools devart develop developer DeveloperAdvocate DeveloperCommunities DeveloperCulture DeveloperDashboard developerexpert developerfeatures DeveloperKeynote developerlibrary DeveloperPreview DeveloperProfile developerrelations developerstudentclubs developers developers.meetup Development devfest DevFest2021 devfestdeveloperchromemapssocialwaveapps DevFest18 DevFestStories Device devtools DFP DiadaConsciênciaNegra dialogflow differentialprivacy Digitalwallet discoveryservice diversity diversity-and-inclusion django dns do-it-yourself Docker docs documentation documentslistapi DocuSign dojo domain domains doodles dotnet doubleclick dreamweaver Drive drupal dsc dynamiclinks earn earth Ebay eclipse eclipsecon eddystone EdgeAI EdgeTPU EdgeTPUAccelerator EdgeTPUDevBoard educatio education email EMEA encryption endpoints enterprise EntityExtraction entrepreneurs Errorlogging Estimator Estimators estonia Ethics Europe event events evolution executionapi Experts extensions Fabric facedetection Fairness fairnessinmachinelearning fasterweb FCM FCP featured feeds finance fintech Firebase FirebaseAnalytics FirebaseCloudFunctions FirebaseCloudMessaging FirebaseDynamicLinks FirebaseSummit firebug firefox firestore firevox firstbeta fitness flutter Flutter1.2 Flutter1.5 Flutter1.9 Flutter2 FlutteratIO FlutterClock FlutterCreate Flutterdevelopers FlutterEngage Flutterfordesktop Flutterforweb FlutterInteract FlutterLive FlutterMeetupNetwork Flutterplugin flutterreleasepreview1 flutterreleasepreview2 FlutterWeb foldables FollowUs Follow-upResponses fontapi Fonts fosdem founders freebsd freenet Fridaygram fusiontables GSuite GSuiteDeveloper G+ gadgets GameDevelopersConference GameDevelopment games gaming gcc gci GCP GDA gdata GDC2020 GDC17 GDD gdd07 gdd08 gdd09 GDD11 GDE gdg gdgjuba GDGNYC gdgspotlight gdl gdlweekly GDSC GDSCMUST GDSCUniversityofToronto gears GeneralAvailability geo geolocation geoserver GET GetInspired getpaid ghop Gigster git github GKE Glass gmail GmailAdd-on GmailAPI GmailAPIs GMTC gnome gnomewomen'ssummeroutreachprogram Go golang Google GoogleAI GoogleAnalytics GoogleAPIs GoogleAPIsREST googleapps googleappsapi googleappsforyourdomain googleappsmarketplace GoogleAppsScript GoogleAR GoogleArts&Culture googleassistant GoogleAssistantBluetooth GoogleAssistantDeveloperDay GoogleAssistantIO GoogleAssistantIO19 googleassistantsdk GoogleBrain googlebuzz GoogleCardboard googlecast googlecertification googlechartapi GoogleCharts googlecheckout googlechrome GoogleCloud GoogleClouddocumentation GoogleCloudMessaging GoogleCloudNext GoogleCloudNext21 GoogleCloudPlatform googlecloudstorage GoogleCloudTalks GoogleCloudtraining googlecode googlecodeprojecthosting googlecodesearch googlecodeuniversity googlecomputeengine GoogleCoral googledataapis googledataprotocol GoogleDataStudio googledeveloperday googledeveloperdays GoogleDeveloperExperts Googledevelopergroup GoogleDeveloperGroups GoogleDeveloperProfiles GoogleDeveloperScholarship GoogleDeveloperStudentClubs googledevelopers GoogleDevelopersAcademy googledeveloperscertification googledeveloperscommunitygroups GoogleDevelopersGroups GoogleDevelopersLive GoogleDeveloperssite GoogleDevelopersUniversityConsortium googledocs GoogleDocsAdd-on GoogleDocsAPI googledoctype googledomains GoogleDrive GoogleDriveSDK googleearth googlefit GoogleFonts GoogleForGames googleforstartups GoogleFormsAPI googlefriendconnect googlegadgets googlegears googlegrants GoogleGroupsSettings googlehealth GoogleHomeHub GoogleI/O GoogleIdentityPlatform GoogleinAsia googleio GoogleIOSAndroid GoogleMaps GoogleMapsPlatform googlemashupeditor GoogleMeet GoogleNotofonts googlepay googlepayaccount googlepayapi googlepaybusiness GooglePayDevelopers GooglePayIndia googlepayintegration googlepaypassesapi googlepaysupport googlephotos googleplatform GooglePlay GooglePlayDeveloperAPI GooglePlayDevelopers GooglePlayIndiegamesaccelerator GooglePlayIndieGamesFestival googleplayservices GoogleRegistry googlescholarships GoogleScienceFair Googlesheets GoogleSheetsAdd-on GoogleSheetsAPI GoogleSlides GoogleSlidesAdd-on GoogleSlidesAPI googlespace GoogleSpreadsheetsAPI googlestorage googlesummerofcode Googletechtalk Googletechnology googletechnoloyusergroups googletv googlevisualizationapi googlewallet GoogleWave googlewebelements googlewebtoolkit GoogleWorkspace GoogleWorkspaceAdd-ons GoogleWorkspaceChat GoogleWorkspaceChatbots GoogleWorkspaceDeveloper GoogleWorkspaceDeveloperGoogleWorkspaceChatGoogleWorkspaceChatbots GoogleWorkspaceMarketplace google-cloud google+ GoogleAssistant googlecast googledevelopers googleio googlenew GooglePlay GooglePlayAndroidDev googlewebelementsgoogleio GPE GPGSC++Games GPT Gradle greenlinux Groovy GroupsAPI grow growwithgoogle gsoc GSuite gtags gtug guestpost guice gulp GWSOP gwt gzip hackathon hacking hackthon hamilton handtracking Handwriting hangouts HangoutsChat HangoutsChatAPI haproxy Headset hg hibernate hiring howto hpux html html5 http I/O I/O17 I/O2017 I/OExtended I/OLive IamaGDE ical ICYMI identity ietf ignite igoogle iguanas iiw ImageCompression imagesearch Imara In-appbilling in-apppayments in-apppurchase incrementalauthorization incubator India indie indiedevelopers IndieGames IndieGamesAccelerator IndieGamesFestival InformationTechnologyResidencyProgram informationvisualization Instagram integrationstatus intelligentwire interactivemusic interactive-canvas InternationalWomen’sDay internationalization internetexplorer internetofthings internship interviews IO IO17 io18 IO19 IO19Flutter IO2017 ios iOSSDK IoT ipad iphone iPhoneDevelopment israel IssueTracker ITRP IWD2020 IWD2021 jaiku japanese java javascript jax jetpack JetpackCompose jobs joomla joomladayus2007 joomladayusa JS json Kaggle karaoke KDE KDE4.0 Keras kernel kernelsummit keynote khronos kids kidscoding kidscodingteam kml korean Kotlin Krakow Kubernetes labs lanchpad language languages laptopapps laptops LargeScreens latamaccelerator LatAmstartups Latest LatinAmerica latitude latvia launch launchpad launchpadaccelerator launchpadstudio LaunchShow lca Leadership Learning LearningAndDevelopment LearningToCode lens lessons licenses linux linuxfoundation LinuxonChromeOS LinuxonChromebooks linuxsummit linuxvirtualserver linuxconfeu lithuania LocalHome LocalHomeSDK localization Location LoCo Logging london mac MacFuse Machine machineintelligence machinelearning machinelearningaccelerator MainframeMigration maker Makers malware manufacturing maps mapsapis Marketplace material materialcomponents materialdesign Matter MDL MediaPipe Medium meetup mentoring merchant-center merchants mercurial Mexicostartups Micronaut Microservices Mirru MITCSAIL MITMediaLab ml MLKit MLCC mobile MobileAppDevelopment mobiledesign MobileDevelopment mobileperformance mobilesites mobilespeed mobileUX Mobileweb MobileWorldCongress mod_pagespeed Moderator monetize Monthlyroundup MOOC mozilla multi-platform mylar myspace MySQL mythtv named narratives nativeads nativeclient nearby Nest NestWiFi netbsd Next21 NextBillionUsers nocodebotbuilding nodejs non-profit nonsense nosql notifications NotoSerifCJK NPM nss nvidia NYT O3D oauth OAuthplayground OAuth2 ObjectDetectionandTracking objective-c OCaml Occlusion ocr ODF officehours oha onlinepayments OOXML opendata opensource opensourceblog opensourcereleases openweb open-source openajaxalliance opengl openid opensocial openssh openssl Optimization oreilly orkut oscon oscon2007 osi ossdevs ossjam osx pactester pagespeed PageSpeed palette passes paymenthandler paymentrequestapi paymentwebstandard payments paypal Peerbonusprogram performance persistence persistentAR phone photos picasa picasaweb placesAPI Platform_Update playservices playground plone plonesprint podcast poland Poly polymer PolymerSummit portugal PoseDetection PoseEstimation posix POST PowerMeterAPI predictionapi Prerender preview PrideWeek privacy prizes processing productionaccess products products-slides programmers programming ProgressiveWebApp ProjectConnectedHomeoverIP projecthosting ProjectLoon ProjectTango protocolbuffers protos prototype proximity pubsubhubbub PWA py3k python pythonsprint Qualcomm QualcommGoogle rails randomhacksofkindness RasberryPi RawDepth React reader RecordingandPlayback releases RemoteConfig research reserveseats Resources ResponsibleAI REST resultsnippets RetoMeier reviewprocess RewardedAds RewardedVideoAds rhino roadtoGDE Saatchi Safety&Security safetyandsecurity salesforce samba Sampledialogs SamuelMugisha sandbox SantaTracker Scala scalability scale-ups Sceneform schedule scholarship scholarships scopes Scratch screencast sdk sdks search security SelfieSegmentation Serbia serif Serverless serviceworker sessions seurat shape Sheets SheetsAPI shindig shopping ShorelineAmphitheatre shortcuts showcase sidewiki Signlanguage sign-in signall silverstripe SIMD sitemaps sitesapi sixapart sketchup SlidesAPI smallbusiness smallbusinesses small-business smartdisplay SmartHome SmartLockforPasswords soapsearchapi soc social socialgraph softwareupdate solaris solutionchallenge solutionschallenge souders spa2007 Space spdy speakers speech speed speedtracer Spring spyware Stablerelease Stackdriver standards startup Startupaccelerator startupafricaroadtrip StartupSummit startups StaticSites STEM storage stories StreetView Strobe studentprograms students stuff style subscribedlinks subscription subversion summerofcode SundarPichai SVG sxsw syndication Tablets targetedspyware tasksAPI TeamDrives(new) techmakers TechnicalWriting technology templates TensorFlow tensorflowdevsummit TensorFlowLite TensorFlowResearchCloud tensorRT TestLab testing textembeddingmodels Tez TFLite tfdevsummit TFLite TFUG themes thoughtleadership tool Toolkit tools topp TPU TPUDevBoard training Traits tranparency transit translate translation tutorials tv ubiquitouscomputing ubiquity ubucon ubuntu Udacity UI Ukraine UN UNDP UNICEF unicode unittest Unity universal UniversalAppCampaigns University unix Update updates url urlshortener URLs USBAccelerator UX verification video videos Vim virtualkeyboard virtualreality visualization voice voicekit voicetechnology voiceuserinterface VR VUI wattpad WearOS Wearables Weave web webanimationsapi webapps webcomponents webdesign webdesigner webdevelopment webexponents webfonts Webpayments webperformance webplatformdocs webregistry webfonts webgl webmaster WebP websiteoptimizer websites webVR weeklyroundup Who'satGoogleI/O win windows windowsprogramming WinterofCode women womendevelopers womenfounders WomeninTech WomenTechMakers womentechmakers WomenTechmakers Workspace writing wtm xauth yahoo youngdevelopers YoungMakers youtube Zapier zlib zurich ZXing ZZish  Archive      2021 Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan     2020 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan     2019 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan     2018 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan     2017 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan     2016 Dec Nov Oct 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