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A comparison of infrared, radar, and geologic mapping of lunar cratersPohn, H. A. and Offield, T. W.: 1970, 'Lunar Crater Morphology and Relative Age ... Tyler, G. L. and Howard, H. T.: 1973, 'Dual-Frequency Bi-Static Radar ...高價收購鑽石翡翠珠寶K金(斷裂的玉鐲也收) - Yahoo 奇摩拍賣評分 10/10 (87) · $$$$$$直購 2. 【妙麗】月球玄武岩隕石/玻璃質熔殼/Lunar meteorite/Glass/高價回收K金珠寶鑽石翡翠汽車機車買賣交換. $2,160,000. 直購 1. 【妙麗】頂尖名家田黃「中國 ...A comparison of infrared, radar, and geologic mapping of lunar cratersA comparison of infrared, radar, and geologic mapping of lunar craters. The Moon. By: T.W. Thompson, H. Masursky, R.W. Shorthill, G.L. Tyler, and S.H. Zisk.
