
文章推薦指數: 80 %


issue - 議題;期;發行 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 獸醫學, issue, 排泄口,開口,排泄物. 學術名詞 電力工程, issue, 流出,出口,發出,發行,發行額,期.號(報刊的), ...你爸爸在你後面,他非常火。

- Issue Republic 議題共和國| Facebook... 共和國is on Facebook. To connect with Issue Republic 議題共和國, join Facebook today. ... We represent Taiwan government in Auckland. I'm talking turkey.Issue Republic 議題共和國- 或許以下這些文字,跟「議題」沒什麼 ...或許以下這些文字,跟「議題」沒什麼關係,但是寫了出來還是想送給所有不認識的你們,因為「關注議題」之際,也不要忘記「關注自己」。

在很難受的時候, ...單字進化術:現在最夯的issue!-登峰美語APEX,英語學習英語認證多益 ...2013年5月8日 · 最近最讓大家人心惶惶的議題就是H7N9禽流感了,到底會不會"人傳人"?是從哪裡傳染 ... ex:Please don't confuse the real issue, I'm talking about something else right now. (請不要弄 ... 學校:Why did you come to Taiwan?Topics at IACS | ClassNK - 繁體中文服務目錄 · 技術資訊 · IMO與IACS議題 ... BV, DNV, GL, LR, NK, RINA) in order to promote the improvement of standards for ensuring ... relating to the Panel's field of expertise, and to identify important issues related to ... e.g. IMO and other bodies, on environmental issue, such as marine pollution, air pollution and energy use.Issue - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果1. 問題;爭論;爭議[C] They have published a lot of new books on international issues. 他們已經出版了很多論述國際問題的新書。

2. 發行(物);一次發行量; ( ...Food & Nutrition Information1, issue 4. 1, Supplement 1. 1, Supplement 2. Volume 16 (2007). Issue 1 ... 注的公共衛生議題。

... The mean ± SD dietary GI and GL of the dietary intake of 63 women with previous ... Prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity and its impacts on incidences of hypertension, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in Taiwan[PDF] Iron status of the Pakistani population-current issues and strategiesIron status of the Pakistani population-current issues and strategies ... Khor GL. Micronutrient status and intervention programs in. Malaysia. ... Montresor A, Crompton DWT, Gyorkos TW, Savioli L. ... 巴基斯坦人的鐵營養狀況-目前的議題及策略.priority issue - Linguee[...] 果,尤其是在出租物業方面,因為誰對有關租賃具有申索權,會受優先次序問題影響。 Nations For Indigenous PeoplesThe Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was established by the GA in 2002. It is based at United Nations Headquarters in NY at ...
