
文章推薦指數: 80 %


踏實- English translation – LingueeMany translated example sentences containing "踏實" – English-Chinese ... for the relationship between Hong Kong and Taiwan in a down-to-earth manner.How to express 踏实 accurately? - Chinese Language Stack ExchangeHow to express 踏实 accurately? translation word-choice vocabulary. What I want to say is "我是一个踏实的人", but I am ...踏实tā shi | 踏实English Meaning | Chinese - English Dictionary ...HSK 6 The English meaning of 踏实 ( tā shi ) is: 1 firmly-based2 steady3 steadfast 4 to have peace of mind5 free from anxiety6 Taiwan pr: tà shí ...【處本部】4 月份「踏實」互助學習讀書會- 國立臺灣科技大學-學生 ...本網頁已停止更新,請前往新版網頁https://student.ntust.edu.tw/ [回首頁] [網站地圖] [臺科大] [English]. Your browser does not support JavaScript! 主選單. 最新消息 ...106 暑期「築夢踏實」多益檢定訓練班(報名至107/06/20 止) - 國立 ...二、 招生對象本校在學學生符合高教深耕「築夢踏實」助學金身份資格(下列任一或 ... 【步驟1】請至 https://goo.gl/forms/VX4eNTsJT0vAS18A2 填寫線上報名表。

Ann'S Girls - 做一個簡單的人,踏實而務實。


不庸人自擾 ...不庸人自擾 https://www.anns.tw/SalePage/Index/5037710 #annsgirls垣垣❤我們的IG→ ... 線上逛SHOP ♡ www.anns.tw ❤門市資訊♡ http://goo.gl/luQSBE. ... English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France) · Deutsch.科學夢想館:悠遊科學築夢踏實- 「虎克v.s.拉克爾科學探索營」- https ...「虎克v.s.拉克爾科學探索營」- https://goo.gl/0yqlfP...戴爾美語| 托福, 雅思, 多益, 英檢, GRE, GMAT, SAT | 戴爾美語戴爾美語為專業從事各項英文證照、留學課程、以及打工渡假辦理機構。

課程涵蓋有全民英檢GEPT、GMAT、SAT、商用英文、生活會話等各項教學,也為美國ETS  ...踏实in English,meaning,踏实translated into English,Chinese to ...Bilingual sentences. 永远保持谦逊的态度,要有自己的理想,但要踏实的做! Keep a modest attitude for all time, but we must have our own dreams and make it ...ISO 14001 - DNV GL從基本的符合法規,而踏實的走上持續改善之路。

標準的要項. ISO 14001 標準包含有效管理環境系統的核心元素,適用於任何製造或服務行業。

ISO14001要求 ...
